Kontroltek Prioritising Repairs for Manufacturers Supporting the NHS

Lewys Gammond Phillips
Marketing Officer, Kontroltek Ltd

Repair Service Committing to Repair Faster at Standard Rates During COVID-19 Crisis
Kontroltek is providing a faster turnaround on repairs for manufacturers supporting the NHS until the COVID-19 crisis is over. When possible, businesses can get their industrial automation part repaired and returned in three days or less at no extra charge — instead of the standard 10-day turnaround, if genuinely needed.
COVID-19 is disrupting daily life. People are changing the way they work and live to protect the overall health of the population, especially the most vulnerable. Worldwide, healthcare systems are at risk of going over capacity, so we need to ‘flatten the curve’.
Certain manufacturers will be under immense pressure to consistently deliver results over the next few months. From responding to the UK Government’s call for ventilators to providing protective clothing for frontline workers.
Companies who are involved at any stage of manufacturing products for the NHS will be eligible.
As other businesses temporarily close, Kontroltek workshops can accommodate an increased workload from other key industries. By prioritising the repairs of manufacturers supporting the NHS, Kontroltek is helping to minimise downtime and ensure the UK’s healthcare system gets crucial supplies as soon as possible.
Managing Director, Andrew Follant, said “We’re lucky that our workshops are in a position to help. After seeing shows of solidarity from everyone, like the Clap for Carers, we wanted to see how we can help.”
“We don’t know how long this crisis is going to go on for, but as long as we keep manufacturers up and running, Kontroltek is doing its bit to support the NHS and the economy in general.”
Kontroltek has set up a webpage with more information at kontroltek.biz/coronavirus.
About Kontroltek
Kontroltek is a leading industrial automation and electronic repair service. The company has two workshops, based in South Wales and West Midlands, and can offer their services to the whole of the UK, Ireland and internationally.
Founded in 2011, Kontroltek has repaired and returned over 80,000 parts since establishing. Kontroltek provides a free collection and quote service for most repairs. In the UK, the company also has a 24/7 call-out service and can provide on-site support.