Industrial repairs for
The Metals Sector
The history of metals began with copper about 11,000 years ago. Since then, metals have helped humankind advance. Many metals are some of the most valuable commodities in the world, whilst others are abundant.
Most metals are extracted in the earth’s crust. Metals are essential for all industrial sectors — including construction, manufacturing and power generation. From infrastructure development to automotive, aerospace and shipbuilding.
In the UK, the metals industry plays a vital part in the economy. British Steel and TATA Steel are large employers in Wales and England. Not only is steel one of the most common metals, but it is also one of the most widely recycled.
The market for extraction is small in the UK, but processing, fabrication and recycling are all growing markets. There are over 10,000 metal companies in the UK, which employs 250,000 people and contributes over £10bn to UK GDP annually.
Indirectly, the metals industry supports employment of almost 1m people and helps generate £200bn of the UK’s GDP.
Dominated by SMEs, there are around 20 employees per company. But many are being overtaken by multinationals and foreign-owned enterprises.
Kontroltek has an abundance of engineering experience working in a diverse range of industries. This places Kontroltek in a prime position to support metal companies.
Automation means the industry is becoming less labour intensive. This means companies will rely more on both maintenance and repairs to minimise downtime.
Kontroltek covers any business which requires an industrial electronic repair.
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