Preventive Maintenance
• Extend vital equipment production life
• Reduce critical machine breakdown
• Minimise production loss by downtime
Book Your Site Visit Today
What is Preventive Maintenance?
Preventive maintenance is the process of periodically performing maintenance on machinery. It’s similar to servicing your car.
By finding and correcting an incipient failure, you could prevent your part in suffering from a major breakdown.
You could actually save money by performing Preventive Maintenance on your vital equipment. In doing so, you exponentially lower the risk of breakdown and then costly downtime.
How It Works
What We Do
An experienced Kontroltek engineer will visit you on-site.
The engineer will inspect each of your machines carefully — checking for any areas or parts which may require repair.
During the visit, the engineer will clean and record any equipment deterioration. This may include photography for a future report.
The engineer may test, measure, make adjustments or possibly replace any parts.
If the engineer finds a fault, they will report this to you. The engineer will explain your options and give you an idea of cost for repair.
The part will either be repaired on-site or back at a Kontroltek workshop.
Why Book Preventive Maintenance?
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Preventive maintenance aims to reduce the likelihood of a critical machine completely failing. You could:
• Increase machinery operating life
• Reduce critical breakdowns
• Minimise downtime
• Improve safety
• Save on costs
Preventive maintenance is a proactive option. Instead of waiting until your machine completely fails, and enduring a larger cost for repair or replacement, you could reduce the chance of complete failure by maintaining the machine instead.
Preventive maintenance aims to reduce the likelihood of a critical machine completely failing. You could:
• Increase machinery operating life
• Reduce critical breakdowns
• Minimise downtime
• Improve safety
• Save on costs
Preventive maintenance is a proactive option. Instead of waiting until your machine completely fails, and enduring a larger cost for repair or replacement, you could reduce the chance of complete failure by maintaining the machine instead.
Downtime costs £6,000 per instance and a machine breaks down every 2.5 months
When To Book Preventive Maintenance?
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Time-Based Preventive Maintenance
Most UK manufacturers carry out time-based preventive maintenance at least four times a year. It’s usually timed with seasonal shutdowns:
• Easter (March/April)
• Whitsun (May/June)
• Summer (July/August)
• Christmas (December)
Usage-Based Preventive Maintenance
Usage-based preventive maintenance is completed after so much use out of a machine. This may be based on production cycles or running hours, for example.
By proactively carrying out usage-based preventive maintenance, you can ensure that the machine continues operating at its best possible condition.
Time-Based Preventive Maintenance
Most UK manufacturers carry out time-based preventive maintenance at least four times a year. It’s usually timed with seasonal shutdowns:
• Easter (March/April)
• Whitsun (May/June)
• Summer (July/August)
• Christmas (December)
Usage-Based Preventive Maintenance
Usage-based preventive maintenance is completed after so much use out of a machine. This may be based on production cycles or running hours, for example.
By proactively carrying out usage-based preventive maintenance, you can ensure that the machine continues operating at its best possible condition.
Kontroltek has limited spaces available for weekdays, weekends and holidays.
We want to keep your business moving.
Our On-Site Service
We have an industry-leading team of on-site engineers. We’re available 24/7, 365, across the UK.
Preventive maintenance with us is better.
• Fairly priced — competitive costs and never outsourced
• Fast turnaround — we offer a quick service; a fast turnaround on repairs
• Reliable team — comprehensive checks and rigorous reporting
Frequently Asked Questions
Your FAQs Answered
What does the on-site engineer do?
The engineer will come on-site, usually during a scheduled shutdown, and service your machinery. You could compare this to getting your car serviced after a certain amount of time or usage.
The engineer will look inside each of your machines and fault-find. This may consist of cleaning, checking for looseness from vibrations, find parts that have overheated/eroded or anything else which may lead to a major failure.
The engineer will take photographs and report any issues to you. They’ll make recommendations on what you should do to reduce the risk of a critical machine breaking down.
You could save significantly by carrying out preventive maintenance and fixing a small fault compared to urgently repairing a large issue, whilst simultaneously suffering downtime.
A record of the maintenance will be kept. This will help us provide you with an improved service in future — whether that’s further preventive maintenance or just part repair.
How much does it cost?
We charge an hourly rate. This is £58 per hour. Certain competitors charge £75+ per hour.
The charge per hour may vary, depending on the day and time you have the visit.
Give us a call and a member of staff will provide you with a quote instantly.
How long does it take?
It depends on your plant size and how many machines require servicing. When booking, a member of the Customer Relations team will provide you with an estimate.
Do I need preventive maintenance?
We recommend you should carry out preventive maintenance if you have:
• Equipment critical to your daily operation
• Preventable breakdowns
• An increased likelihood of failure as time passes
You may not require preventive maintenance part failures are random or if you have no parts that serve a critical daily function.
Kontroltek believes in providing a personal service with no hidden costs or details. There’s no obligation to book another visit with us — have your first and then decide for yourself if it’s worthwhile booking again in the future.
Is it only preventive maintenance you offer?
No, first and foremost, we are a leading industrial automation and electronics repair company. In our workshops, every day, we are repairing:
• HMIs
• PLCs
• PCBs
• Drives
• Motors
• CNC/Machine tools
• Industrial robot parts
We also repair other parts and offer other services. We offer the UK’s fastest turnaround for repairs and test all parts for full functionality before return.
Our engineers are experienced in going down to the component level of parts to find faults and provide solutions. This is why we’re perfect to carry out preventive maintenance for your machinery.
Why not just have breakdown maintenance?
Preventive maintenance is better than breakdown maintenance because it aims to prevent a breakdown in the first place.
An on-site engineer aims to find smaller issues inside your machinery that could get worst and cause a major breakdown.
If your machine is critical to your plant’s production, this means downtime. Preventive maintenance aims to reduce the risk of downtime altogether; breakdown maintenance can only aim to reduce the amount of time you spend broken down.